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Automating Complex Billing
for large-scale C&I customers

A hansen customer success story: Xcel Energy

In this case study, yoU’ll learn how:

  • Xcel Energy required a complex billing solution to accommodate new business drivers such as Customer Choice Rate Options, Extensive Rate Complexities, Saturated Customer System capabilities.
  • Xcel Energy chose to expand on the strong foundation of their current Hansen system to automate billing for its approximately 10,000 large-scale C&I customers.
  • The continued collaboration with Hansen extended Xcel Energy’s functional and operational billing capability.
  • Hansen’s solutions deliver a significant reduction in IT System Maintenance and Business Operating Costs.

XCEL Energy is a utility holding company that services eight states; Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas.  They service 2 million electric customers, 530,000 gas customers, 1.5 million combination Electric & Gas Customers for a total of 5.6 million meters. For the past 15 years, Hansen’s CIS system has supported more than 5.5 million Xcel Energy customers across eight states. More at:

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