In this case study you’ll learn how:
- PSET’s goal was a single solution for MDM and EDM processes that also centralized all billing, customer care and financial processes.
- Hansen provided a multitenant, next generation meter & energy data management hub solution, enabling PSET to provide BPO services.
- The MDM/EDM data hub solution from Hansen has resulted in 80% savings in personnel costs. PSET is now operating the smart meter data management and balance settlement processes of seven companies in one hub.
Pohjois-Suomen Energiatieto Oy (PSET) is a holding company of 13 utilities (8 DSOs + 2 Retailers + 3 DH) in Northern Finland with a total network area covering approximately 100 000 square kilometers, totaling more than 25% of the country. Seven of these utilities have assigned their retailer roles to the joint retailer company Energiapolar Oy, which acts as a single retailer for all seven utilities.
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