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3 Ways the crisis in Ukraine is accelerating the push toward renewable energy

The climate crisis has become a mainstay topic globally over the last decade. And the buzz around Climate Change and the need for sustainable energy sources will only continue to grow as we move toward greater consumer demand for access to renewable sources of power and a lack of energy security when reliant on fossil…

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Scaling Community Solar Projects Across the United States

At Hansen, we believe that the future is one that will rely heavily on renewable energy. Companies like Hampshire Power rely on Hansen software and operation expertise to drive the expansion of the renewable energy market.

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How CSPs Can Drive Growth in IoT

At TM Forum’s 2021 Digital Transformation World Series event, Hansen joined a panel session entitled “From connectivity to platforms, applications and services – how to drive growth in IoT”. The conversation covered IoT growth opportunities, the move beyond connectivity, the IoT marketplace and the role of partners and hyperscalers.

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5G and the New Revenue Opportunities Available to CSPs

The evolution of 5G network technology is providing communications service providers (CSPs) with a raft of ways to create new revenue. Advanced B2B services and new partnerships will be the keys to leveraging the new network.

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EU Energy Market Liberalisation and the Challenges Retailers Face

The EU energy market has been going through a process of liberalisation aimed at separating the monopoly that comprised production, distribution and trading. Consequently, we are now seeing different types of ownership structures, mergers, and the emergence of new players. Find out what that means for energy retailers.

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The Impact of Digital Transactions on Public Utility Companies

Utility companies are facing increasing urgency to catch up with other industries when it comes to enabling digital transactions and providing a seamless, omnichannel customer experience. There are a number of factors influencing the adoption of digital utility payments.

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Digital Transformation World Series 2021: The Rise of the Digital Service Enabler

Digital Transformation World Series 2021 will be running 22 September – 14 October. In it’s leadup, TM Forum hosted a ’satellite‘ meet-up in London to kickstart some discussion. Steve Costello, Product Marketing Manager for Hansen attended and reported on this event.

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Utility Digitalization: The Pressure is Rising

Having spent a good part of the last two decades working with enterprises in the energy and utilities sector, I’m surprised when talk about the industry revolves around the sentiment, “Digitally speaking, utilities are way behind the curve. Now, the pressure is on to start the process of digitalization.”

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CSPs Need Industry Alignment On The Road To IoT

There’s nothing secret about the fact that for communications service providers, next-generation opportunities created by 5G and IoT will largely be centred on B2B. That’s not to say there isn’t any potential to create new revenue from consumers, given the evolving enhancements in network technology set to enable a new class of immersive consumer entertainment…

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The Case for Utility Retailers Increasing Smart-Meter Adoption

I recently joined Hansen from a gas and electricity retailer, where I saw the rollout of smart meters firsthand. In this blog, I will share two important lessons learned about the implications for the customers of utility providers. Energy suppliers are looking for newly accessible information that promises to make their operations more efficient –…

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