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Hansen Catalog is the enterprise product and technical service catalog application in the Hansen Suite. It defines your business and makes product, service and resource data available across your operations. It offers rich product lifecycle management capabilities, to effectively manage your offerings. It is a key driver to accelerate product innovation and increase revenue from new business models, supporting core and new digital products. The application also enables improved accuracy and automation in sales and fulfilment in conjunction with other Hansen products.

Hansen Catalog for CSPs

Essential Content

Hansen Catalog has advanced to enable your business to capitalise on new opportunities and meet the product innovation and business operations challenges presented by 5G, virtualisation and cloud technology.

Read the brief, read an article, or book a demo to learn about how service providers accelerate product innovation.
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Hansen mentioned in Now Tech: Master Data Management, Q4 2020, Forrester’s overview of 20 Master Data Management providers.

Master data management (MDM) can be used to support a 360-degree view of customers, improve data quality, and share data with partners and customers. Enterprise architecture (EA) professionals can utilize this Forrester report to understand the value they can expect from an MDM provider.

Read The Report

HANSEN Catalog Delivers

Master Data Management

A central repository for product, service and resource data with rich APIs to serve the entire enterprise.

More Configuration, Less Code

Manage products from cradle to end of life services and resources that manage products from cradle to end of life.

5G Readiness

Ready for the data explosion from 5G, virtualisation and cloud technology.

Product Lifecycle Management

Collaborative management of products from cradle to end of life.

Reduced Costs

Lower integration and processing cost through standardised data references and workflows.


Your business defined through all channels, for all markets and for any product or service.

Customer Satisfaction

Improves the product experience and the overall customer experience.

Innovation Monetised

Support complex propositions and rapid monetisation of network investments.

Contact Hansen

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