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Turning today’s utilities and telecoms into tomorrow’s next digitally-driven experience companies

Hansen Suite

Hansen Suite is a set of software applications that powers today’s energy, utility, water and telecoms companies to become the next digitally-driven experience companies. Delivered by Hansen world class services, Hansen products meet the challenges of becoming experience companies while enabling business growth through incremental pragmatic innovation.

Hansen Suite contains tailored applications for the energy, utilities, water and telecommunications providers, all of which are delivered through the Hansen Cloud.

For Energy & Utilities

Energy markets are changing from a system characterised by large centralised resources to an advanced infrastructure with distributed and decarbonised resources. Turning personalised energy experience into new business opportunities is imperative for next generation energy and utility providers.

The Hansen Suite supports the provision of the customer experience and grow off new business models. Learn more about our suite of software applications for energy and utilities providers.

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For Communications, Technology & Media

Turning product innovation into new business revenue is the imperative in the age of 5G and digital services. The Hansen suite for communications, technology and media is comprised of catalog-driven cloud applications that let service providers deliver the next experience and grow new business models through accelerated product innovation.

Learn more about the Hansen suite of software applications for communications services providers.

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Hansen POV:
4 D’s of Energy Transition

An Energy Evolution in underway. We’re rapidly moving towards an advanced grid market with distributed, decentralised and decarbonised resources. Find out how together, we can address the challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the era of Energy Transition.

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Contact Hansen

Contact us for any further inquiries.